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IA Generativa
Inteligencia artificial
March 24, 2022
I’ve worked on three client accounts since joining Sogeti three years ago and have continued to build my capabilities in Microsoft Azure through both hands-on experience and certification. I undertook the Azure Foundation certification, followed by the Administrator certification, both of which are self-learning environments.
In the Netherlands we also have a master-student approach, so I have been supported in my ongoing learning by an experienced mentor who is a senior cloud engineer. He has guided me and helped me attain DevOps certification.
Why do I keep studying? I want to take my career in new directions. I’m currently largely working in end-user support and want to do more cloud engineering. Being certified helps you get the sort of jobs you’re seeking and gives you a point of differentiation on your CV.
At a client level, my studies have given me more of a theoretical background that I can bring to engagements. I’m also looking to expand my programming capabilities by studying Python coding, and this too is something I can leverage on client engagements.
Overall, the opportunity to move into more of a cloud engineering role is what I’m hoping will be the outcome of my Azure certifications.
Cloud Support Engineer
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