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IA Generativa
Inteligencia artificial
November 16, 2022
For most innovation teams, delivering a proof of concept of their ideas is the end of the road. Job done.
Not Sogeti. In each of our applied innovation projects for our clients, we go further – much further – to create what we call a ‘Minimum Lovable Product’.
Like a proof of concept, a Minimum Lovable Product is delivered quickly and cost-effectively. But only a Minimum Lovable Product can provide true business value. In this article, I’ll explain why.
Alternative outputs
Let’s start with some definitions:
Radically different results
A Minimum Lovable Product delivers business results that are impossible to achieve with a proof of concept alone:
Driving value
By driving ROI and adoption, cultivating business buy-in and shifting organizational mindsets, Minimum Lovable Products have a far higher success rate within organizations. 95% of the applied innovations developed via our Thinkubator process go on to become production-ready products and services within our clients’ businesses. Only a fraction of proof of concepts achieve the same.
So, what are you waiting for? Working with Sogeti to develop your first Minimum Lovable Product will accelerate your time-to-value and enable you to drive greater value from your investment in innovation. Don’t settle for less.
To find out more about Sogeti’s Thinkubator, get in touch today:
Global Head of Digital, Sogeti Group
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