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IA Generativa
Inteligencia artificial
August 11, 2023
In today’s collaborative landscape, the concept of quality binds teams and individuals, emphasizing shared responsibility.
Quality touches everything and everyone. It is a team responsibility that binds individuals while building quality together. Teams and organizations, nowadays, strive to be involved rather than being told what to do.
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin
And that, in essence, is the importance of having a quality coach, within teams and organizations; to help the team(s) get involved in quality engineering activities not by telling them what to do but by guiding them to find the solution themselves and understand their own problems in-depth.
A quality coach is a role that challenges and supports a team or organization to actively build in quality together, by either coaching, facilitating, training or mentoring, depending on the need.
There is no magical formula to onboard into this role. I view this role as a mix of different tasks inspired by other positions. Based on needs, we can focus on finding coaching roles more centered around the product and ensuring quality.
In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, organizations are constantly striving to stay ahead of the competition. To enhance their agility and software delivery speed, many are turning to DevOps culture. Alongside this transformation, the adoption of Agile methodologies becomes crucial.
Agile Quality Coach, Sogeti France
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