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IA Generativa
Inteligencia artificial
February 06, 2024
In today’s fiercely competitive business landscape, the importance of minimizing time to market and maximizing operational efficiencies cannot be overstated. While every application and context may differ, the ability to accelerate product launches and optimize efficiencies has emerged as a powerful competitive advantage.
The question is, how do you achieve this kind of technology velocity without cutting corners? With a myriad of approaches, clarity is key – after all, multiple journeys need clear pathways. And with rivals only ever one step away, moving forward with a clear purpose is essential for sustained business success.
Fast time to market offers more than just an edge in the race – it delivers a host of broader benefits. By swiftly responding to market conditions, adapting to supply and demand fluctuations, exceeding customer expectations, and fostering innovation, businesses can reap invaluable yet harder-to-measure impacts on their bottom line.
Consequently, businesses must continually prioritize and assess their time to market strategies to uncover opportunities. And this calls for a profound mindset shift in the approach to application development. Companies need to embrace agility and change their cultural mindset to break down silos and connect the dots across various departments.
Moreover, it is essential that everybody in the company recognizes the critical need for application development – and the potential returns it can deliver.
Structured applied innovation with new technologies is crucial to stay on the edge of market change. So, let’s briefly explore two of the best approaches – in my opinion – that could help an organization improve their time to market:
Reducing time to market is a multifaceted theme and one that many organizations ultimately require specialist support with. For instance, Microsoft Power Platform is a dedicated solution designed to help teams build apps, automate tasks and deliver new customer experiences – however, scaling it can be difficult. That’s where Sogeti comes in. We help organizations to drive maximum value from the Power Platform, enabling them to go further, faster.
A great example of this can be seen in our recent work with a large multinational cooperative bank. We supported staff to build their Power Platform Center of Excellence, for end-to-end control and compliance across their system deployment. With over 1,000 Power Apps built in just 12 months, it clearly demonstrated the speed, compliance and scale that’s possible with our help.
If you’re interested in learning more, we’d be more than happy to begin understanding your unique requirements. In the meantime, however, here are some key takeaways to consider as you attempt to gain the competitive edge through modern application development:
VP Global CTO Applications & Cloud Technologies
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