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April 18, 2022
As SAP® clients take on board the implications of the approaching deadline for migration to S/4HANA, the huge need for good test data becomes increasingly relevant. What’s more, this data must be correlated across tests and systems.
Currently there are typically two ways in which test data is created: in the first instance, developers manually create unit test data in development systems, in the knowledge that this data is not like production data; and second, development and/or test systems are created as copies of production systems.
There are some points to consider in this approach:
So faster, more efficient and more secure Test Data Management is needed for non-productive landscapes. Sogeti strongly recommends that companies adopting or migrating to SAP S/4HANA should design and implement a Test Data Management service.
Intensive testing will be required to make sure that business processes keep working as expected after any move to S/4HANA, or other system change. Effective testing is not possible without proper test data. Test Data Management can save a lot of money and time and will help you to protect your sensitive information.
With effective Test Data Management, you can:
Sogeti can help you in designing, implementing and operating a Test Data Management service that covers your specific needs. We can also help you select the right tool for running this service.
We hope the above has given you a flavor of the value we see in having a Test Data Management service as you deploy your SAP S/4HANA landscape.
To find out more about Sogeti’s approach to managing test data for SAP S/4HANA systems, please get in touch.
SAP Testing Consultant
TDM Practice Lead | Quality Engineering & Testing
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