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IA Generativa
Inteligencia artificial
February 16, 2024
Attracting nearly 4,000 entries from service providers across the globe, Microsoft’s Partner Awards recognize teams that “demonstrate consistent, high-quality, predictable service to Microsoft customers, helping to ensure significant business benefits from [Microsoft] investments [while demonstrating] business leadership and consistent customer success.
Sogeti’s Power Apps award recognizes our close collaboration with Microsoft engineering teams worldwide, and our best-in-class solution for accelerating digital transformation with Microsoft’s Power Platform.
While the business benefits of low code are clear – faster innovation, lower costs, more effective utilization – many organizations don’t know how to scale Power Platform and are prevented from accessing the full benefits of the system. Sogeti’s Power Platform proposition provides the tools and support clients need to embed and expand the solution across their business units. Simply, safely and securely.
Sogeti provides clients with access to our unique Power Platform Services Starter Kit. This includes reusable system components, quick-start app templates, best practice frameworks, custom connectors, dashboards and reports –everything teams need to maximize the value they drive from Power Platform. Support is provided by our dedicated Power Apps teams worldwide.
This unique approach to digital transformation support has enabled us to deliver standout results for leading brands worldwide, at all stages of their low code journey. These include a large European bank , whose teams built +1,000 workplace apps in their first 12 months with us; a world-leading consumer goods manufacturer that’s now home to 30,000 Power Platform users; and a multinational technology company, whose retail operations we helped to transform with Power Platform.
In awarding the prize, Judges recognized the depth, breadth, and flexibility of Sogeti’s Power Platform solution, which saw our “truly exceptional work” win twelve major new Power Platform clients in 2021. These new clients joined our portfolio of professional services, financial services, life sciences, healthcare, engineering, manufacturing, technology and retail clients across the globe.
Having been one of the first partners to earn Microsoft’s Low Code Application Development advanced specialization and one of the first Microsoft Power Assist Partners worldwide, Sogeti’s Power Apps award recognizes our special focus on and extensive investment in Power Platform through 2021 and 2022. This meant increasing our number of Dynamics 365 integrations, constantly expanding our support for new system functionality, and achieving 100% Power Platform certification for our teams.
Our win reflects growing interest in the low code category worldwide. While the first low code systems appeared some years ago, market changes mean that more organizations are turning to systems like Power Platform to deliver on digital transformation, help navigate the lack of skilled IT developers, and trim development costs. We’ve written extensively about these issues in our blog.
Sogeti’s Power Platform solution is built from the ground up to enable teams to access the full value of Microsoft Power Platform and, in doing so, unlock their true enterprise productivity potential. Our 2022 award win marks the start of a prolific future for low code at Sogeti. What could your team achieve with our help?
Global Head of Digital, Sogeti Group
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