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IA Generativa
Inteligencia artificial
June 30, 2022
United Kingdom Health Security Agency. A government department responsible for government policy on health and adult social care.
This critical government programme was set up from scratch, to help control the spread of COVID-19 by ensuring that people can be tested when necessary, and by identifying close contacts of people who have tested positive.
Government and policy decisions announced at short notice which required a quick turnaround of business changes released to production with adequate testing.
The customer required a Quality Engineering & Testing partner to support the solutions underpinning this critical programme.
Test resource requirements were fluid based on the regular Government updates, flexible resource fulfilment was required at short notice to meet demand.
The scope included test delivery and assurance for the end to end test & trace applications with a key focus on automation testing of the COVID-19 App, test booking web portal journeys, quarantine hotel booking portals, and Salesforce supply chain platform.
Sogeti deployed a team of specialist test consultants comprising a delivery lead, test managers, test leads, automation architect, and test engineers (manual and automation) delivering to the customer’s requirements.
Automation testing responsible for direction setting including the development and maintenance of secured test automation frameworks and automation test scripts.
NHS COVID-19 mobile app testing:
Developed and maintained an automated regression pack of around 800 test cases across the various streams including Mobile applications, web portals, Salesforce platform and E2E tech integration. Regression suites are run on demand for every release and periodically to ensure the health of the applications.
Implemented ‘one click’ automation with integration of regression test packs with the AWS CI pipeline. Regression packs are triggered remotely or scheduled to run every day with detailed execution reports emailed to the stakeholders.
Integration of CI pipeline / automated test cases with Elasticsearch monitoring to generate execution analytics reports using ML (machine learning) analysis technology.
Introducing the concept of AI (Artificial Intelligence) to the current automation with bots powered automated development and maintenance of automated test cases via self healing capability of the tool, implementation is in progress.
Download the UKHSA case study PDF to read more.
Client: UKHSA
Region: London, UK
Industry: Health Care
Offer: Modern apps
1 PDF (310 KB)
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