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IA Generativa
Inteligencia artificial
When: Monday, October 28, 2019 – Tuesday, October 29, 2019Where: Hôtel Westin Vendôme Paris, France
Digital transformation is an organization’s response, not merely to changing technologies, but more importantly to changing behaviors. You need to be on top of your customer’s expectations and preferences, while at the same time able to integrate advanced technologies with existing business processes. Leading these endeavors of course requires strong delivery skills and change management.
But, because of the unpredictability of people, it is strong discovery skills that are going to make the decisive difference. In that sense, digital transformation is, first and foremost, a journey of exploration, discovering uncharted new territories and understanding its inhabitants. This year’s Executive Summit ‘Utopia for Beginners’ on October 28-29 in Paris, will delve deeper into this journey.
When you were young, you had dreams. Perhaps you still do. But once you’ve become a digital chief, it is so much harder to dream and explore the amazing world around you. For now, it is primarily your job to deliver on the digital transformation. Part of the success however comes from igniting the chief exploration officer in you. This year’s Executive Summit is therefore a wake-up call, an opportunity to revitalize your discovery skills. The point on the horizon is your Utopia: a highly desirable, almost perfect place that doesn’t (yet) exist.
There are important questions to consider. Is your Utopia aligned with the latest technology and what would be the impact? Are you for instance looking at the so-called Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) technology, the next trend in AI? It is said that it will make technology truly creative. Imagine AI creating new products, new designs, new ideas. Is it too far-fetched to believe that GANs will be the co-producers of this new Utopia: spiking up fantasy and creativity?
For some, Utopia is no longer a destination; they have already arrived. Here we’re talking about the new generation: the post-millennials. They’re ‘on-life’, moving seamlessly between on- and off-line and they are one step ahead of your future. Based on the latest insights from our recent research, ‘The Synthetic Generation’, we suggest another question. How do you not only align with the technical side of their behavior, but also deliver on their new ethical standards, their trust, and their craving for authenticity?
There’s a lot to explore, but in the end, we’re all beginners. Technology is in its
infancy, and there is a new generation, your peers, and you. And then – as always – there’s legacy, risk averseness, unwillingness to change, short-sightedness and resistance to overcome. At this year’s Executive Summit, we want to start creating
the future.
Based on your expertise, the inspiration from keynote speakers, the joint effort of
the attendees, and the 24 hours we have available, we’re going to
build a new Utopia!
Questions that we will address at this year’s Sogeti Executive Summit are:
What are the quick fixes required to start your expedition towards a Utopia for your customers and employees?
How can a Utopian mindset strengthen digital transformation?
How do you align your organization with the demands of the synthetic generation?
What are the creative capabilities of what’s next in AI and how will it impact your organization?
Senior Analyst and Forrester Research
Founder of Reinvent/ Media Entrepreneur/ Public Speaker on Tech and Future Trends/ Author & Writer
Managing Director at 3sixtyfive, Award Winning Influencer Agency
Author & Researcher
Reasearcher, lecturer, International Consultsant
Engineer, Educator, Tech Philosopher
Philosopher, Author, Yoga Teacher
Head of Studio, Idean Finland at Idean
Education of gaming and esports, Public Speaker, Consulting (global) brands, Host
Researcher at ARCND – Harvard Medical School
Professor of Philosophy and Ethics of Information and Director of Digital Ethics Lab, OIL, University of Oxford
Chief Unhappiness Officer, Sogeti
State of the Art Sessions
Just before the start of the summit, there is an opportunity to catch up with some of the trends in the industry, discussed by our global technology leaders.These intimate sessions will offer an opportunity to explore and discuss trending topics from the latest developments in the industry.
AI, Cyberfraud and how to secure yourself
Fraud co-evolves with technology, exposing organizations to more sophisticated and new types of attack. Technology provides tools for preventing and defending against them. Identifying suspicious operations takes time, labor and no small number of mistakes, all of which can be reduced with machine learning algorithms. Picking the right algorithm, properly preparing the input and the approach to training leads to a greater detection of anomalies and fewer false alarms. Join us to understand how pre-configured building blocks are really making a difference.
AI and Native apps, the next big thing in Cloud
Cognitive services and chatbots are the next big thing in cloud native development, providing intelligent experiences with digital ‘friends’. Consumers are moving from classic digital channels to these more conversational channels, this shift resulting in a more natural and seamless user experience, like interacting with a friend or family. We will explain the huge benefits of this shift for both consumers and organizations, how to create a digital friend and how organizations will benefit most from it. With OneDeliver cloud expertise, Sogeti can help with the humanification of your digital channels – start your voice strategy today!
Plenary Kickoff: How to accelerate with AILeading AI companies develop technology that improves parts of the AI creation or deployment process itself. By bringing AI building blocks, Sogeti helps clients achieve this. We help with automated AI Creation environments so that AI Experts at clients can concentrate their focus elsewhere. With specific AI for certain domains (for example Chatbots, NLP and Image) Sogeti transforms business specific use cases.
The Strength of AI image recognition and Artificial Data Amplification
Innovations in analytics, AI and data sciences allow organizations to remove areas of inefficiencies before they impact business. They provide insight to business processes and approaches, allowing improvements that were not previously possible. AI-image recognition is one widely adopted technology, helping improve quality of service, internal processes and decision making. The AI accelerator we will discuss is helping automate and contextualize any physical or digital piece of text across an organization. We will also discuss synthetic data; across all industries, companies are finding it difficult to overcome data related challenges that hinder them from unlocking revolutionary AI solutions. A synthetic data generating solution using advanced deep learning helps.
Cognitive Quality Assurance and Automation
Predicting the unpredictable is one of the key principles that the Sogeti Cognitive QA approach has been designed around. Quality validation, end-to-end customer experience validation and testing of applications across a myriad of devices and platforms makes for a complex challenge for organizations today. Join us to discuss how we challenge the established approach with one that finds the unexpected and removes the irrational, leveraging AI and Data Analytics for faster and higher quality software assurance.
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