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IA Generativa
Inteligencia artificial
On this year’s Executive Summit we will explore the world of media that are tremendously enhanced by technological progress in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The event will be held in a ‘hybrid’ fashion; featuring in-person attendees and live presentations delivered virtually by our expert guest speakers.
Organized as a hybrid event, at this year’s Executive Summit you will be joining physically and will be able to discuss and socialize with your peers. The speakers will join online and will be broadcasted to your venue. There will be ample room for meeting old and new friends and networking during dinner.
You will be able to exchange ideas with your peers locally and participate in a global debate, broadcasted live from our studio in Amsterdam, where we will host a variety of insightful speakers. They will undoubtedly inspire interesting discussions around the table.
Real Fake: Playing with Reality in the age of Artificial Intelligence
We will also be publishing our new book “Real Fake: Playing with Reality in the age of Artificial Intelligence”, that concludes our two-year study and comes with surprising answers about how to deal with this new media revolution.
View the recording of Executive Summit 2020
Join the global debate
Author, Advisor and Speake
Information Behavior expert
Media, Marketing and advertising expert
CTO Sogeti Group
Research Director SogetiLabs
Executive Event Planner, Sogeti<br>Phone: +31622546440
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