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IA Generativa
Inteligencia artificial
November 09, 2020
In pursuit of a “better normal”.
The 22nd edition World Energy Markets Observatory (WEMO) reveals a world struggling to take deliberate and drastic steps against climate change while simultaneously addressing the immediate challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This year’s World Energy Markets Observatory report explores how the energy sector can balance these competing priorities. Here we present practical ideas for how utilities, policymakers and private companies can embrace a strategy that builds short-term resiliency while improving long-term sustainability.
This year’s results are showcased in an interactive eBook. Access or download the book for more details about our findings, additional data and insights from our global team of energy experts.
The World Energy Markets Observatory (WEMO) is Capgemini’s annual thought leadership and research report that tracks the development and transformation of electricity and gas markets in Europe, North America, Australia, Southeast Asia, India and China. Now in its 22nd edition, WEMO examines the following topics: climate change & regulatory policies; energy transition; infrastructure & adequacy of supply; supply & final customer; transformation; and financials.
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