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IA Generativa
Inteligencia artificial
March 11, 2019
The Continuous Testing Report, a new Capgemini and Sogeti study records 1 in 2 firms deploying new software builds daily. But a staggering 60% end up with gaps in software test-case coverage
The Continuous Testing Report 2019 tracks a transformation in software testing. Download your copy for insights from the world of QA in the age of DevOps and automation.
Continuous testing 101: What CIOs need to know
Across industries, firms are adopting Agile and DevOps with continuous integration and deployment to reorganize software development. But quality assurance is one of the stickiest bottlenecks in this value chain. As corporate IT aligns with demands for speed to market and seamless customer experience, CIOs must focus on quality at speed.
The CTR 2019 is a great place to track this transformation in software testing, in the age of DevOps and automation.
Click to see the complete infographic
Global Leader Quality Engineering & Testing, Sogeti
1 PDF (359 KB)
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