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IA Generativa
Inteligencia artificial
May 13, 2020
Capgemini Invent has partnered with the MIT Initiative on Digital Economy to get a deeper understanding of how big corporations are innovating in the digital age.
Our research covered 300+ large companies in 8 different countries across 7 industries. This new report presents the main findings of this research and answers questions such as:
The research also covers the impact of disruption on large firms and the need to put innovation at the forefront of growth strategy. We also analyze how companies have transformed their innovation approaches to adapt to new digital technology advances such as artificial Intelligence (AI), 5G, Information of Things (IoT) etc.
Finally, we present the main challenges companies are facing, mostly acquiring critical resources and the key takeaways to stay relevant in the digital age by making the most of the of innovation opportunities.
1 PDF (2 MB)
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