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IA Generativa
Inteligencia artificial
January 05, 2023
Drivers, opportunities, and risks shaping the financial services industry in 2023.
The global banking industry will continue to be buffeted by challenging macroeconomic headwinds in 2023, and a keen focus on resilience and innovation from retail banks is anticipated in response.
With a continuing emphasis on customer centricity, banks will augment digital capabilities and leverage data analytics to deliver hyper-personalized services and superior CX. Exploration of partnership and M&A opportunities with FinTechs may be on the rise; and cybersecurity, regulatory developments, and sustainability concerns will all play a role in strategy and decision-making as the retail banking sector moves forward.
Read Capgemini’s report, Top Trends in Retail Banking 2023, to gain insights into actions industry players will take in the coming year and beyond.
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