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Previously, modernization was largely cost-driven, but today, that focus has shifted. Being able to adopt new technologies swiftly, reducing time-to-market for business innovations, ensuring reliability, and maintaining business continuity are now key priorities.
These factors ultimately lead to the all-important “customer experience” — without neglecting the “employee experience”. While this is nothing new, they are both crucial considerations. In truth, being a data-driven, intelligent organization isn’t exactly a cutting-edge concept either. The real challenge now is how to leverage your digital capabilities to modernize, and seize new opportunities, enabling a culture of innovation.
Many organizations, are unsure about how to drive their modernization forward. That’s where we come in.
Outcomes achieved for some of our clients.
We use a DevSecOps model and automation to maximize cloud benefits, streamlining development with cloud-native microservices and boosting developer output.
Cloud-native development enables faster iteration and deployment cycles, allowing updates to be deployed up to 10 times daily for rapid adaptation.
Our cloud-native technologies prioritize on-demand scaling, ensuring that your apps can smoothly handle traffic spikes and grow with your business needs.
We gave the consumer coffee company an efficiency boost, with a Power Apps transformation designed to enhance after-sales service management.
Bringing workers in one of Europe’s most historic cities up to date, with managed IAM services for a brand new workplace environment.
How we helped a not-for-profit healthcare organization implement a digital front door, enabling patients to schedule appointments and even access care, online.
VP Global CTO Applications & Cloud Technologies
Vice President, Sogeti OneDeliver Cloud Transformation Leader
Director/National Solutions Architect Sogeti, MS MVP (Business Apps)
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