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IA Generativa
Inteligencia artificial
October 03, 2024
Data sharing beyond organizational boundaries is increasingly common across various industries, fostering collaboration, innovation, and efficiency. With the emergence of health information exchanges, open banking standards, supply chain collaboration, smart grids, government cross-agency collaboration, intelligent transportation systems etc., the need for data sharing has unprecedented demand.
Making the most out of data. Get control over your stack and make use of data resources
It’s more than bots, machine learning, or maths, our ethical, people-first approach means that every AI First engagement extends beyond just the technology to consider culture, process and data as well
In a number of areas, our engineering focus has delivered new ways of looking at AI. We’re always at the forefront of how technology can deliver value – to businesses and to Society – in this space.
Should we look beyond the hype and alarmist views to reach for the game changing and rewarding business opportunities?
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AI Specialist | Trusted AI, Sogeti Netherlands
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