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IA Generativa
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Our client expanded our existing partnership to introduce the SAP S/4HANA platform into its testing processes, reducing costs and increasing speed.
Empower your business with phased, end-to-end solutions that bring strategic insight and innovation, helping your organization navigate challenges and drive growth.
Sogeti’s Readiness Assessment can help ensure smooth transitions, with zero disruption to operations.
We’ve helped slash IT transformation costs by 45%, using Gusto’s Managed Testing Services to boost both speed and quality of the implementation process.
Sogeti’s role in a large SAP S/4 HANA implementation improved system performance by 30%, helping a global financial firm meet operational benchmarks.
VP, Practice Leader, Quality Engineering
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Vice President, Quality Engineering & Testing Practice Lead
Head of Sales – Expert in Managed Services, Outsourcing, Services Delivery | Account and Portfolio Management | Talent Building
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